
Routine Gynecological Test

Pap smear is an effective method of examining the cells of the cervix (the neck of the female womb) for any abnormalities that might indicate a high likelihood for the development of cancer or early cancer. HPV testing is often done concurrently to identify high-risk strains of the virus linked to cervical cancer.


Menopausal Screening

This tests check a person's levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Estrogen level in their blood.


Fertility Tests

You may get a blood test to check your levels of different fertility hormones that are responsible for different functions during the menstrual cycle like the FSH which triggers your ovaries to prepare an egg for release each month. High FSH can mean lower fertility in women and same applies for different hormones and their various functions.


STI Test

A simple screening panel that screens for a broad range of sexually transmitted infections.


Blood Tests

This test helps give insight on the blood group and genotype which is very important in compatibility for choice of partners and related issues.